Saturday 15th February
These days are for the community to spend time with each other in a more informal manner, working together at the Centre / in the garden, and later in a day there’s also a film evening. We usually focus on a specific volunteering project these days because many hands make light work!
10.30am Short meditation (15min) in the shrine; after a cup of tea & day's job share
11am-1pm Volunteering
1pm-2pm Lunch break
2pm-4.30pm Volunteering
5pm Film Evening (a Dharma themed film)
You are very welcome to join the full day, or just parts of it.
Meals (breakfast & lunch) and accommodation (Fri & Sat night) will be offered for free for the volunteers.
Volunteer & Community Day
Saturday 22nd March
These days are for the community to spend time with each other in a more informal manner, working together at the Centre / in the garden, and later in a day there’s also a film evening. We usually focus on a specific volunteering project these days because many hands make light work!
10.30am Short meditation (15min) in the shrine; after a cup of tea & day's job share
11am-1pm Volunteering
1pm-2pm Lunch break
2pm-4.30pm Volunteering
5pm Film Evening (a Dharma themed film)
You are very welcome to join the full day, or just parts of it.
Meals (breakfast & lunch) and accommodation (Fri & Sat night) will be offered for free for the volunteers.
Volunteer & Community Day
Saturday 3rd May
These days are for the community to spend time with each other in a more informal manner, working together at the Centre / in the garden, and later in a day there’s also a film evening. We usually focus on a specific volunteering project these days because many hands make light work!
10.30am Short meditation (15min) in the shrine; after a cup of tea & day's job share
11am-1pm Volunteering
1pm-2pm Lunch break
2pm-4.30pm Volunteering
5pm Film Evening (a Dharma themed film)
You are very welcome to join the full day, or just parts of it.
Meals (breakfast & lunch) and accommodation (Fri & Sat night) will be offered for free for the volunteers.
Volunteer & Community Day
Volunteering Thursdays
11am - 6pm
Venue: Buddhist Centre
Every Thursday 10am - 4pm
If you wish to meet people and work together for a good purpose, do pop in to engage with the volunteering team.
The Centre holds weekly volunteering day on Thursdays 10am-4pm, and during those days you can enjoy free communal lunch with others. You can come only for a short time or for the full day.
Get in touch with our volunteer coordinator if you wish to come and start volunteering. You are welcome to visit and just meet us and get to see the place to begin with.
Please let us know if you are attending, so we know how many to cook for.
The works vary according to the time of the year, weather and your skills and interests, but you can volunteer for cooking, cleaning, small DIY like painting etc., garden works from weeding to planting and landscaping. If you have any other skills, that you can think might be useful, please let us know!
Please let us know if you are joing the day and if you wish to have lunch. The lunch is served 1pm and is vegetarian / vegan. Let us know if you have dietary requirements. We are able to cater vegan & gluten free, but for more complex needs and severe allergies, we recommend that you will bring your own lunch.
We really appreciate all the volunteering help, regular or occasional, so we try to arrange it so that you could come another day if Thursdays are not good for you. So, if you cannot make it on Thursdays, but would like to volunteer occasionally, please get in touch with our volunteer coordinator through the link below, to arrange another day.
Soup & Cuppa Wednesdays
Venue: Maitri House
These coffee & soup mornings are for all locals as well as Buddhist community members to get together, meet and connect with each other in a safe and peaceful atmosphere.
There is no fee for the coffee & soup, but if you wish, you are welcome to offer a donation. These mornings are funded by grants from various sources.
If you would like to be a part of these mornings by volunteering, please let Jackie know by popping in for one of these mornings. These sessions are run by a rota of volunteers.