Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Chotrul Duchen
We will get together to celebrate Chotrul Düchen with offerings, praises and aspirations prayers. Welcome to join in through Zoom or in person. You are welcome to bring flowers, candles or incense to offer to the shrine if you wish.
Zoom link HERE
Chotrul Düchen is one of the four Buddhist festivals commemorating four events in the life of the Buddha, according to Tibetan traditions. Chotrul Düchen closely follows Losar, the Tibetan New Year. It takes place on the fifteenth day of the first month in the Tibetan calendar during the full moon (Bumgyur Dawa). The first fifteen days of the year celebrate the fifteen days during which the Buddha displayed miracles for his disciples so as to increase their devotion. During Chötrul Düchen ("Great Day of Miraculous Manifestations"), it is believed that the effects of both positive and negative actions are multiplied ten million times.

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Discovering the Buddha Within Review session
RESTRICTED: Discovering the Buddha Within (Level 2) Review session
This review day is for those who have attended the DBW Level 2 either at Palpung Wales in 2024 or elsewhere in the world. Please contact the office for more details: palpungukoffice@gmail.com
You can find more information about this 3-year study and practice programme HERE. The next new DBW Level 1 starts at Palpung Wales in 2026 autumn.

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Medicine Buddha Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
The Medicine Buddha, (Sangye Menla), is the Buddha of health and healing, both the outer, physical, and the inner, mental. His form is a deep blue colour, like that of the lapis lazuli semi-precious stone. His practice is considered to be a very powerful method for healing and increasing the restorative powers of oneself and others. Also it helps to overcome the inner sickness of attachment, hatred and ignorance, and so to meditate on the Medicine Buddha can help to decrease physical and mental illness and suffering.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Community / Volunteering Day
Saturday 22nd March 10.30am-5pm
These days are for the community to spend time with each other in a more informal manner, working together at the Centre / in the garden, and later in a day there’s also a film evening. We usually focus on a specific volunteering project these days because many hands make light work! You are very welcome to join the full day, or just parts of it.
See the full schedule for the day & booking HERE

Sunday Evening Dharma Talk
Topic this Sunday:
Part 4: Object meditation & Mindfulness & Distraction
(Please see all the upcoming topics HERE)
A twice monthly teaching by Choje Lama Rabsang. These evenings include teachings and short meditations led by Lama Rabsang. The teachings are open and suitable for anyone, buddhists and non-buddhists alike. Many of the teaching topics are requested by the community. If you have a topic in your mind of which you would like to hear Lama Rabsang to teach from a Buddhist view point, please send us your request.
Teacher: Choje Lama Rabsang
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£10 / £8 (monthly supporters, low income) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Mahakala Puja
Once a month (date varying according to the lunar calendar)
Attending: In-Person only

Chenrezig Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
Chenrezig is the embodiment of compassion and through this practice we aim to awaken the same qualities of loving-kindness and compassion in ourselves. It is easily accessible and, as such, is a great introduction to Tibetan Buddhist practice and prayer for people new to this tradition. Chenrezig practice can be practiced without empowerment but if you have a chance to take it, is is recommended. If you are doing this practice regularly, it is recommended that you will get a reading transmission for the practice.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Medicine Buddha Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
The Medicine Buddha, (Sangye Menla), is the Buddha of health and healing, both the outer, physical, and the inner, mental. His form is a deep blue colour, like that of the lapis lazuli semi-precious stone. His practice is considered to be a very powerful method for healing and increasing the restorative powers of oneself and others. Also it helps to overcome the inner sickness of attachment, hatred and ignorance, and so to meditate on the Medicine Buddha can help to decrease physical and mental illness and suffering.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Guru Rinpoche Puja
Prayers to Guru Rinpoche are considered to be increasingly potent during these difficult times, and he is often invoked for protection and the removing obstacles. Konchok Chidu sadhana is also a Guru Yoga practice, one of the most profound, the highest and most secret way of accomplishing the mind of Guru Rinpoche. It helps to avert spiritual obstacles and pacifies all negativity on the path to enlightenment.
Once a month we will do Konchok Chidu, “The Embodiment of the Precious Ones”, puja which is a Guru Rinpoche sadhana that encompasses the Three Roots.
You can attend the puja also through ZOOM.
The puja text can be found HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Chenrezig Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
Chenrezig is the embodiment of compassion and through this practice we aim to awaken the same qualities of loving-kindness and compassion in ourselves. It is easily accessible and, as such, is a great introduction to Tibetan Buddhist practice and prayer for people new to this tradition. Chenrezig practice can be practiced without empowerment but if you have a chance to take it, is is recommended. If you are doing this practice regularly, it is recommended that you will get a reading transmission for the practice.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE
RETREAT: Finding Calm Amidst the Chaos
This retreat is focused on calm abiding meditation and also different ways we can support calm and clear mind in our busy, and sometimes even chaotic life situations. During the weekend Lama Rabsang will explore the ways how we can tap into the source of inner calm and become more stable, compassionate and clear in our lives despite challenging situations.
Teacher: Choje Lama Rabsang
Suggested donations:
Single room
£180 (incl. meals & accommodation)/
£160 (incl. meals & accommodation) (Monthly supporter / low income)
Day retreatant
£30 / day (incl. lunch)
£25 / day (incl. lunch) (Monthly supporter / low income)

Medicine Buddha Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
The Medicine Buddha, (Sangye Menla), is the Buddha of health and healing, both the outer, physical, and the inner, mental. His form is a deep blue colour, like that of the lapis lazuli semi-precious stone. His practice is considered to be a very powerful method for healing and increasing the restorative powers of oneself and others. Also it helps to overcome the inner sickness of attachment, hatred and ignorance, and so to meditate on the Medicine Buddha can help to decrease physical and mental illness and suffering.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Sunday Evening Dharma Talk
Topic this Sunday:
A twice monthly teaching by Choje Lama Rabsang. These evenings include teachings and short meditations led by Lama Rabsang. The teachings are open and suitable for anyone, buddhists and non-buddhists alike. Many of the teaching topics are requested by the community. If you have a topic in your mind of which you would like to hear Lama Rabsang to teach from a Buddhist view point, please send us your request.
Teacher: Choje Lama Rabsang
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£10 / £8 (monthly supporters, low income) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Chenrezig Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
Chenrezig is the embodiment of compassion and through this practice we aim to awaken the same qualities of loving-kindness and compassion in ourselves. It is easily accessible and, as such, is a great introduction to Tibetan Buddhist practice and prayer for people new to this tradition. Chenrezig practice can be practiced without empowerment but if you have a chance to take it, is is recommended. If you are doing this practice regularly, it is recommended that you will get a reading transmission for the practice.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Discovering the Buddha Within Review session
RESTRICTED: Discovering the Buddha Within (Level 2) Review session
This review day is for those who have attended the DBW Level 2 either at Palpung Wales in 2024 or elsewhere in the world. Please contact the office for more details: palpungukoffice@gmail.com
You can find more information about this 3-year study and practice programme HERE. The next new DBW Level 1 starts at Palpung Wales in 2026 autumn.

Mahakala Puja
Once a month (date varying according to the lunar calendar)
Attending: In-Person only

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Medicine Buddha Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
The Medicine Buddha, (Sangye Menla), is the Buddha of health and healing, both the outer, physical, and the inner, mental. His form is a deep blue colour, like that of the lapis lazuli semi-precious stone. His practice is considered to be a very powerful method for healing and increasing the restorative powers of oneself and others. Also it helps to overcome the inner sickness of attachment, hatred and ignorance, and so to meditate on the Medicine Buddha can help to decrease physical and mental illness and suffering.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Community / Volunteering Day
Saturday 4th May 10.30am-5pm
These days are for the community to spend time with each other in a more informal manner, working together at the Centre / in the garden, and later in a day there’s also a film evening. We usually focus on a specific volunteering project these days because many hands make light work! You are very welcome to join the full day, or just parts of it.
See the full schedule for the day & booking HERE

Sunday Evening Dharma Talk
Topic this Sunday:
A twice monthly teaching by Choje Lama Rabsang. These evenings include teachings and short meditations led by Lama Rabsang. The teachings are open and suitable for anyone, buddhists and non-buddhists alike. Many of the teaching topics are requested by the community. If you have a topic in your mind of which you would like to hear Lama Rabsang to teach from a Buddhist view point, please send us your request.
Teacher: Choje Lama Rabsang
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£10 / £8 (monthly supporters, low income) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Guru Rinpoche Puja
Prayers to Guru Rinpoche are considered to be increasingly potent during these difficult times, and he is often invoked for protection and the removing obstacles. Konchok Chidu sadhana is also a Guru Yoga practice, one of the most profound, the highest and most secret way of accomplishing the mind of Guru Rinpoche. It helps to avert spiritual obstacles and pacifies all negativity on the path to enlightenment.
Once a month we will do Konchok Chidu, “The Embodiment of the Precious Ones”, puja which is a Guru Rinpoche sadhana that encompasses the Three Roots.
You can attend the puja also through ZOOM.
The puja text can be found HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Chenrezig Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
Chenrezig is the embodiment of compassion and through this practice we aim to awaken the same qualities of loving-kindness and compassion in ourselves. It is easily accessible and, as such, is a great introduction to Tibetan Buddhist practice and prayer for people new to this tradition. Chenrezig practice can be practiced without empowerment but if you have a chance to take it, is is recommended. If you are doing this practice regularly, it is recommended that you will get a reading transmission for the practice.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Discovering the Buddha Within Review session
RESTRICTED: Discovering the Buddha Within (Level 2) Review session
This review day is for those who have attended the DBW Level 2 either at Palpung Wales in 2024 or elsewhere in the world. Please contact the office for more details: palpungukoffice@gmail.com
You can find more information about this 3-year study and practice programme HERE. The next new DBW Level 1 starts at Palpung Wales in 2026 autumn.

Sunday Evening Dharma Talk
Topic this Sunday:
A twice monthly teaching by Choje Lama Rabsang. These evenings include teachings and short meditations led by Lama Rabsang. The teachings are open and suitable for anyone, buddhists and non-buddhists alike. Many of the teaching topics are requested by the community. If you have a topic in your mind of which you would like to hear Lama Rabsang to teach from a Buddhist view point, please send us your request.
Teacher: Choje Lama Rabsang
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£10 / £8 (monthly supporters, low income) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Chenrezig Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
Chenrezig is the embodiment of compassion and through this practice we aim to awaken the same qualities of loving-kindness and compassion in ourselves. It is easily accessible and, as such, is a great introduction to Tibetan Buddhist practice and prayer for people new to this tradition. Chenrezig practice can be practiced without empowerment but if you have a chance to take it, is is recommended. If you are doing this practice regularly, it is recommended that you will get a reading transmission for the practice.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Her Eminence Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche
Weekend Course: Kuntuzangpo Aspiration Prayer
Saturday 24th - Sunday 25th May 2025
10am-4pm each day
The Aspiration Prayer of Kuntuzangpo is a Dzogchen aspiration prayer, which gives meditation instructions about the ground, path and fruition. It explains the ground for beings going astray from their pure nature, and it explains the methods of liberation; how the defilements (kleshas, five negative emotions) are liberated into wisdom.
Her Eminence Khandro Rinpoche started this teaching in 2019, and we have requested her to continue teaching it in the coming years until it is completed.

Her Eminence Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche
Weekend Course: Kuntuzangpo Aspiration Prayer
Saturday 24th - Sunday 25th May 2025
10am-4pm each day
The Aspiration Prayer of Kuntuzangpo is a Dzogchen aspiration prayer, which gives meditation instructions about the ground, path and fruition. It explains the ground for beings going astray from their pure nature, and it explains the methods of liberation; how the defilements (kleshas, five negative emotions) are liberated into wisdom.
Her Eminence Khandro Rinpoche started this teaching in 2019, and we have requested her to continue teaching it in the coming years until it is completed.

Mahakala Puja
Once a month (date varying according to the lunar calendar)
Attending: In-Person only

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Medicine Buddha Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
The Medicine Buddha, (Sangye Menla), is the Buddha of health and healing, both the outer, physical, and the inner, mental. His form is a deep blue colour, like that of the lapis lazuli semi-precious stone. His practice is considered to be a very powerful method for healing and increasing the restorative powers of oneself and others. Also it helps to overcome the inner sickness of attachment, hatred and ignorance, and so to meditate on the Medicine Buddha can help to decrease physical and mental illness and suffering.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Sunday Evening Dharma Talk
Topic this Sunday:
A twice monthly teaching by Choje Lama Rabsang. These evenings include teachings and short meditations led by Lama Rabsang. The teachings are open and suitable for anyone, buddhists and non-buddhists alike. Many of the teaching topics are requested by the community. If you have a topic in your mind of which you would like to hear Lama Rabsang to teach from a Buddhist view point, please send us your request.
Teacher: Choje Lama Rabsang
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£10 / £8 (monthly supporters, low income) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Guru Rinpoche Puja
Prayers to Guru Rinpoche are considered to be increasingly potent during these difficult times, and he is often invoked for protection and the removing obstacles. Konchok Chidu sadhana is also a Guru Yoga practice, one of the most profound, the highest and most secret way of accomplishing the mind of Guru Rinpoche. It helps to avert spiritual obstacles and pacifies all negativity on the path to enlightenment.
Once a month we will do Konchok Chidu, “The Embodiment of the Precious Ones”, puja which is a Guru Rinpoche sadhana that encompasses the Three Roots.
You can attend the puja also through ZOOM.
The puja text can be found HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Chenrezig Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
Chenrezig is the embodiment of compassion and through this practice we aim to awaken the same qualities of loving-kindness and compassion in ourselves. It is easily accessible and, as such, is a great introduction to Tibetan Buddhist practice and prayer for people new to this tradition. Chenrezig practice can be practiced without empowerment but if you have a chance to take it, is is recommended. If you are doing this practice regularly, it is recommended that you will get a reading transmission for the practice.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Medicine Buddha Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
The Medicine Buddha, (Sangye Menla), is the Buddha of health and healing, both the outer, physical, and the inner, mental. His form is a deep blue colour, like that of the lapis lazuli semi-precious stone. His practice is considered to be a very powerful method for healing and increasing the restorative powers of oneself and others. Also it helps to overcome the inner sickness of attachment, hatred and ignorance, and so to meditate on the Medicine Buddha can help to decrease physical and mental illness and suffering.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Discovering the Buddha Within Review session
RESTRICTED: Discovering the Buddha Within (Level 2) Review session
This review day is for those who have attended the DBW Level 2 either at Palpung Wales in 2024 or elsewhere in the world. Please contact the office for more details: palpungukoffice@gmail.com
You can find more information about this 3-year study and practice programme HERE. The next new DBW Level 1 starts at Palpung Wales in 2026 autumn.

Sunday Evening Dharma Talk
Topic this Sunday:
A twice monthly teaching by Choje Lama Rabsang. These evenings include teachings and short meditations led by Lama Rabsang. The teachings are open and suitable for anyone, buddhists and non-buddhists alike. Many of the teaching topics are requested by the community. If you have a topic in your mind of which you would like to hear Lama Rabsang to teach from a Buddhist view point, please send us your request.
Teacher: Choje Lama Rabsang
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£10 / £8 (monthly supporters, low income) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Chenrezig Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
Chenrezig is the embodiment of compassion and through this practice we aim to awaken the same qualities of loving-kindness and compassion in ourselves. It is easily accessible and, as such, is a great introduction to Tibetan Buddhist practice and prayer for people new to this tradition. Chenrezig practice can be practiced without empowerment but if you have a chance to take it, is is recommended. If you are doing this practice regularly, it is recommended that you will get a reading transmission for the practice.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Mahakala Puja
Once a month (date varying according to the lunar calendar)
Attending: In-Person only

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Medicine Buddha Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
The Medicine Buddha, (Sangye Menla), is the Buddha of health and healing, both the outer, physical, and the inner, mental. His form is a deep blue colour, like that of the lapis lazuli semi-precious stone. His practice is considered to be a very powerful method for healing and increasing the restorative powers of oneself and others. Also it helps to overcome the inner sickness of attachment, hatred and ignorance, and so to meditate on the Medicine Buddha can help to decrease physical and mental illness and suffering.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Sunday Evening Dharma Talk
Topic this Sunday:
A twice monthly teaching by Choje Lama Rabsang. These evenings include teachings and short meditations led by Lama Rabsang. The teachings are open and suitable for anyone, buddhists and non-buddhists alike. Many of the teaching topics are requested by the community. If you have a topic in your mind of which you would like to hear Lama Rabsang to teach from a Buddhist view point, please send us your request.
Teacher: Choje Lama Rabsang
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£10 / £8 (monthly supporters, low income) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Chenrezig Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
Chenrezig is the embodiment of compassion and through this practice we aim to awaken the same qualities of loving-kindness and compassion in ourselves. It is easily accessible and, as such, is a great introduction to Tibetan Buddhist practice and prayer for people new to this tradition. Chenrezig practice can be practiced without empowerment but if you have a chance to take it, is is recommended. If you are doing this practice regularly, it is recommended that you will get a reading transmission for the practice.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Guru Rinpoche Puja
Prayers to Guru Rinpoche are considered to be increasingly potent during these difficult times, and he is often invoked for protection and the removing obstacles. Konchok Chidu sadhana is also a Guru Yoga practice, one of the most profound, the highest and most secret way of accomplishing the mind of Guru Rinpoche. It helps to avert spiritual obstacles and pacifies all negativity on the path to enlightenment.
Once a month we will do Konchok Chidu, “The Embodiment of the Precious Ones”, puja which is a Guru Rinpoche sadhana that encompasses the Three Roots.
You can attend the puja also through ZOOM.
The puja text can be found HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Chenrezig Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
Chenrezig is the embodiment of compassion and through this practice we aim to awaken the same qualities of loving-kindness and compassion in ourselves. It is easily accessible and, as such, is a great introduction to Tibetan Buddhist practice and prayer for people new to this tradition. Chenrezig practice can be practiced without empowerment but if you have a chance to take it, is is recommended. If you are doing this practice regularly, it is recommended that you will get a reading transmission for the practice.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Discovering the Buddha Within (Level 2) Retreat
This retreat is for those who have attended the DBW Level 2 either at Palpung Wales or elsewhere in the world. Please contact the office for more details: palpungukoffice@gmail.com
You can find more information about this 3-year study and practice programme HERE. The next new DBW Level 1 starts at Palpung Wales in 2026 autumn.

Sunday Evening Dharma Talk
Topic this Sunday:
A twice monthly teaching by Choje Lama Rabsang. These evenings include teachings and short meditations led by Lama Rabsang. The teachings are open and suitable for anyone, buddhists and non-buddhists alike. Many of the teaching topics are requested by the community. If you have a topic in your mind of which you would like to hear Lama Rabsang to teach from a Buddhist view point, please send us your request.
Teacher: Choje Lama Rabsang
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£10 / £8 (monthly supporters, low income) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Mahakala Puja
Once a month (date varying according to the lunar calendar)
Attending: In-Person only

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Medicine Buddha Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
The Medicine Buddha, (Sangye Menla), is the Buddha of health and healing, both the outer, physical, and the inner, mental. His form is a deep blue colour, like that of the lapis lazuli semi-precious stone. His practice is considered to be a very powerful method for healing and increasing the restorative powers of oneself and others. Also it helps to overcome the inner sickness of attachment, hatred and ignorance, and so to meditate on the Medicine Buddha can help to decrease physical and mental illness and suffering.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Chenrezig Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
Chenrezig is the embodiment of compassion and through this practice we aim to awaken the same qualities of loving-kindness and compassion in ourselves. It is easily accessible and, as such, is a great introduction to Tibetan Buddhist practice and prayer for people new to this tradition. Chenrezig practice can be practiced without empowerment but if you have a chance to take it, is is recommended. If you are doing this practice regularly, it is recommended that you will get a reading transmission for the practice.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Sunday Evening Dharma Talk
Topic this Sunday:
A twice monthly teaching by Choje Lama Rabsang. These evenings include teachings and short meditations led by Lama Rabsang. The teachings are open and suitable for anyone, buddhists and non-buddhists alike. Many of the teaching topics are requested by the community. If you have a topic in your mind of which you would like to hear Lama Rabsang to teach from a Buddhist view point, please send us your request.
Teacher: Choje Lama Rabsang
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£10 / £8 (monthly supporters, low income) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Guru Rinpoche Puja
Prayers to Guru Rinpoche are considered to be increasingly potent during these difficult times, and he is often invoked for protection and the removing obstacles. Konchok Chidu sadhana is also a Guru Yoga practice, one of the most profound, the highest and most secret way of accomplishing the mind of Guru Rinpoche. It helps to avert spiritual obstacles and pacifies all negativity on the path to enlightenment.
Once a month we will do Konchok Chidu, “The Embodiment of the Precious Ones”, puja which is a Guru Rinpoche sadhana that encompasses the Three Roots.
You can attend the puja also through ZOOM.
The puja text can be found HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Medicine Buddha Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
The Medicine Buddha, (Sangye Menla), is the Buddha of health and healing, both the outer, physical, and the inner, mental. His form is a deep blue colour, like that of the lapis lazuli semi-precious stone. His practice is considered to be a very powerful method for healing and increasing the restorative powers of oneself and others. Also it helps to overcome the inner sickness of attachment, hatred and ignorance, and so to meditate on the Medicine Buddha can help to decrease physical and mental illness and suffering.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Chenrezig Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
Chenrezig is the embodiment of compassion and through this practice we aim to awaken the same qualities of loving-kindness and compassion in ourselves. It is easily accessible and, as such, is a great introduction to Tibetan Buddhist practice and prayer for people new to this tradition. Chenrezig practice can be practiced without empowerment but if you have a chance to take it, is is recommended. If you are doing this practice regularly, it is recommended that you will get a reading transmission for the practice.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Sunday Evening Dharma Talk
Topic this Sunday:
A twice monthly teaching by Choje Lama Rabsang. These evenings include teachings and short meditations led by Lama Rabsang. The teachings are open and suitable for anyone, buddhists and non-buddhists alike. Many of the teaching topics are requested by the community. If you have a topic in your mind of which you would like to hear Lama Rabsang to teach from a Buddhist view point, please send us your request.
Teacher: Choje Lama Rabsang
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£10 / £8 (monthly supporters, low income) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Mahakala Puja
Once a month (date varying according to the lunar calendar)
Attending: In-Person only

Medicine Buddha Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
The Medicine Buddha, (Sangye Menla), is the Buddha of health and healing, both the outer, physical, and the inner, mental. His form is a deep blue colour, like that of the lapis lazuli semi-precious stone. His practice is considered to be a very powerful method for healing and increasing the restorative powers of oneself and others. Also it helps to overcome the inner sickness of attachment, hatred and ignorance, and so to meditate on the Medicine Buddha can help to decrease physical and mental illness and suffering.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Guru Rinpoche Puja
Prayers to Guru Rinpoche are considered to be increasingly potent during these difficult times, and he is often invoked for protection and the removing obstacles. Konchok Chidu sadhana is also a Guru Yoga practice, one of the most profound, the highest and most secret way of accomplishing the mind of Guru Rinpoche. It helps to avert spiritual obstacles and pacifies all negativity on the path to enlightenment.
Once a month we will do Konchok Chidu, “The Embodiment of the Precious Ones”, puja which is a Guru Rinpoche sadhana that encompasses the Three Roots.
You can attend the puja also through ZOOM.
The puja text can be found HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Medicine Buddha Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
The Medicine Buddha, (Sangye Menla), is the Buddha of health and healing, both the outer, physical, and the inner, mental. His form is a deep blue colour, like that of the lapis lazuli semi-precious stone. His practice is considered to be a very powerful method for healing and increasing the restorative powers of oneself and others. Also it helps to overcome the inner sickness of attachment, hatred and ignorance, and so to meditate on the Medicine Buddha can help to decrease physical and mental illness and suffering.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Chenrezig Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
Chenrezig is the embodiment of compassion and through this practice we aim to awaken the same qualities of loving-kindness and compassion in ourselves. It is easily accessible and, as such, is a great introduction to Tibetan Buddhist practice and prayer for people new to this tradition. Chenrezig practice can be practiced without empowerment but if you have a chance to take it, is is recommended. If you are doing this practice regularly, it is recommended that you will get a reading transmission for the practice.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Sunday Evening Dharma Talk
Topic this Sunday:
A twice monthly teaching by Choje Lama Rabsang. These evenings include teachings and short meditations led by Lama Rabsang. The teachings are open and suitable for anyone, buddhists and non-buddhists alike. Many of the teaching topics are requested by the community. If you have a topic in your mind of which you would like to hear Lama Rabsang to teach from a Buddhist view point, please send us your request.
Teacher: Choje Lama Rabsang
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£10 / £8 (monthly supporters, low income) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Discovering the Buddha Within Year 3: Original Purity
The programme which started in 2023 at Palpung Wales continues to its third and last level, Original Purity.
More info HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Chenrezig Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
Chenrezig is the embodiment of compassion and through this practice we aim to awaken the same qualities of loving-kindness and compassion in ourselves. It is easily accessible and, as such, is a great introduction to Tibetan Buddhist practice and prayer for people new to this tradition. Chenrezig practice can be practiced without empowerment but if you have a chance to take it, is is recommended. If you are doing this practice regularly, it is recommended that you will get a reading transmission for the practice.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Sunday Evening Dharma Talk
Topic this Sunday:
A twice monthly teaching by Choje Lama Rabsang. These evenings include teachings and short meditations led by Lama Rabsang. The teachings are open and suitable for anyone, buddhists and non-buddhists alike. Many of the teaching topics are requested by the community. If you have a topic in your mind of which you would like to hear Lama Rabsang to teach from a Buddhist view point, please send us your request.
Teacher: Choje Lama Rabsang
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£10 / £8 (monthly supporters, low income) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Medicine Buddha Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
The Medicine Buddha, (Sangye Menla), is the Buddha of health and healing, both the outer, physical, and the inner, mental. His form is a deep blue colour, like that of the lapis lazuli semi-precious stone. His practice is considered to be a very powerful method for healing and increasing the restorative powers of oneself and others. Also it helps to overcome the inner sickness of attachment, hatred and ignorance, and so to meditate on the Medicine Buddha can help to decrease physical and mental illness and suffering.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Sunday Evening Dharma Talk
Topic this Sunday:
Part 3: Posture & Relaxation & Effort
(Please see all the upcoming topics HERE)
A twice monthly teaching by Choje Lama Rabsang. These evenings include teachings and short meditations led by Lama Rabsang. The teachings are open and suitable for anyone, buddhists and non-buddhists alike. Many of the teaching topics are requested by the community. If you have a topic in your mind of which you would like to hear Lama Rabsang to teach from a Buddhist view point, please send us your request.
Teacher: Choje Lama Rabsang
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£10 / £8 (monthly supporters, low income) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Guru Rinpoche Puja
Prayers to Guru Rinpoche are considered to be increasingly potent during these difficult times, and he is often invoked for protection and the removing obstacles. Konchok Chidu sadhana is also a Guru Yoga practice, one of the most profound, the highest and most secret way of accomplishing the mind of Guru Rinpoche. It helps to avert spiritual obstacles and pacifies all negativity on the path to enlightenment.
Once a month we will do Konchok Chidu, “The Embodiment of the Precious Ones”, puja which is a Guru Rinpoche sadhana that encompasses the Three Roots.
You can attend the puja also through ZOOM.
The puja text can be found HERE

COURSE DAY: Understanding the Concept of Selflessness in Buddhism
During this course day Lama Rabsang will teach about the buddhist view on selflessness, what it means, how it can be understood correctly and how it can be practiced in meditation and in our everyday life. The day includes meditation & teachings. One can attend the course day in-person or through Zoom.
Please register HERE to attend, whether you are attending in person / Zoom.
Teacher: Choje Lama Rabsang
Donation: £30 / £25 incl. lunch (£20 online)

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Medicine Buddha Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
The Medicine Buddha, (Sangye Menla), is the Buddha of health and healing, both the outer, physical, and the inner, mental. His form is a deep blue colour, like that of the lapis lazuli semi-precious stone. His practice is considered to be a very powerful method for healing and increasing the restorative powers of oneself and others. Also it helps to overcome the inner sickness of attachment, hatred and ignorance, and so to meditate on the Medicine Buddha can help to decrease physical and mental illness and suffering.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Chenrezig Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
Chenrezig is the embodiment of compassion and through this practice we aim to awaken the same qualities of loving-kindness and compassion in ourselves. It is easily accessible and, as such, is a great introduction to Tibetan Buddhist practice and prayer for people new to this tradition. Chenrezig practice can be practiced without empowerment but if you have a chance to take it, is is recommended. If you are doing this practice regularly, it is recommended that you will get a reading transmission for the practice.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Losar Morning Puja
LOSAR - Tibetan New Year
Sang Puja 7am - 8.30am
Losar Breakfast: This will be after the morning puja. Please bring something to share.
Hanging new prayer flags
Puja will be conducted by Choje Lama Rabsang, Lama Tsultrim and the Palpung Wales sangha.
Live stream through ZOOM
A Sang smoke offering ceremony will be performed at 7am on the first day of Losar. This is an offering to the Three Jewels & Three Roots, our karmic debtors and all local deities and sentient beings. It is a means to purify our bad karma and karmic debts and to enhance harmonious relationships with the Gurus, Yidams and also the local deities.

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Mahakala Puja
Traditionally Tibetan Buddhists supplicate the Dharma Protector Mahakala in the last days of the old year before celebrating Losar, New Year. The Main form of Mahakala for the Karma Kagyu is Dorje Bernakchen (The Black-Cloaked Vajra). Appearing in a very majestic yet frightening form. Mahakala stands in the midst of a mountain of flames to symbolize that no enemies of the Dharma can withstand this wrathful appearance; the sharp chopper, which he holds aloft in one hand, symbolizes the cutting through of negative patterns, aggression, hatred, ignorance, the five poisons. Mahakala embodies the Three Roots: Lama, Root of Blessings; Yidam, Root of Accomplishments; Dharma Protectors, Daka/Dakini, Root of Activity. The Three Jewels: Buddha, Dharma, Sangha & Three Roots are the six-fold sources of Refuge in Vajrayana Buddhism.
Mahakala puja helps to clear obstacles to our Dharma practice and creates auspicious circumstances for the spreading of Dharma, a strong, harmonious Sangha and long life for the Gurus.
Live stream through ZOOM
Day One: Tuesday 25th February 10am-4pm
Day Two: Wednesday 26th February 10am - 4pm
Day Three: Thursday 27th February 10am - 4pm (New Moon)
(There will be a lunch break in between, and we might finish a bit earlier than 4pm. If you are coming in person, please bring lunch to share!)

Sunday Evening Dharma Talk
Topic this Sunday:
Part 2: Surroundings & Practice Routine
(Please see all the upcoming topics HERE)
A twice monthly teaching by Choje Lama Rabsang. These evenings include teachings and short meditations led by Lama Rabsang. The teachings are open and suitable for anyone, buddhists and non-buddhists alike. Many of the teaching topics are requested by the community. If you have a topic in your mind of which you would like to hear Lama Rabsang to teach from a Buddhist view point, please send us your request.
Teacher: Choje Lama Rabsang
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£10 / £8 (monthly supporters, low income) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Discovering the Buddha Within Review session
RESTRICTED: Discovering the Buddha Within (Level 2) Review session
This review day is for those who have attended the DBW Level 2 either at Palpung Wales in 2024 or elsewhere in the world. Please contact the office for more details: palpungukoffice@gmail.com
You can find more information about this 3-year study and practice programme HERE. The next new DBW Level 1 starts at Palpung Wales in 2026 autumn.

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Medicine Buddha Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
The Medicine Buddha, (Sangye Menla), is the Buddha of health and healing, both the outer, physical, and the inner, mental. His form is a deep blue colour, like that of the lapis lazuli semi-precious stone. His practice is considered to be a very powerful method for healing and increasing the restorative powers of oneself and others. Also it helps to overcome the inner sickness of attachment, hatred and ignorance, and so to meditate on the Medicine Buddha can help to decrease physical and mental illness and suffering.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Community / Volunteering Day
Saturday 15th February 10.30am-5pm
These days are for the community to spend time with each other in a more informal manner, working together at the Centre / in the garden, and later in a day there’s also a film evening. We usually focus on a specific volunteering project these days because many hands make light work! You are very welcome to join the full day, or just parts of it.
See the full schedule for the day & booking HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Chenrezig Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
Chenrezig is the embodiment of compassion and through this practice we aim to awaken the same qualities of loving-kindness and compassion in ourselves. It is easily accessible and, as such, is a great introduction to Tibetan Buddhist practice and prayer for people new to this tradition. Chenrezig practice can be practiced without empowerment but if you have a chance to take it, is is recommended. If you are doing this practice regularly, it is recommended that you will get a reading transmission for the practice.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods as well as some contemplative meditation. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Pauliina Kossi
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: in-person & Zoom HERE

Sunday Evening Dharma Talk
Topic this Sunday:
Part 1: The Role of Intention & Motivation in Our Meditation Practice
(Please see all the upcoming topics HERE)
A twice monthly teaching by Choje Lama Rabsang. These evenings include teachings and short meditations led by Lama Rabsang. The teachings are open and suitable for anyone, buddhists and non-buddhists alike. Many of the teaching topics are requested by the community. If you have a topic in your mind of which you would like to hear Lama Rabsang to teach from a Buddhist view point, please send us your request.
Teacher: Choje Lama Rabsang
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£10 / £8 (monthly supporters, low income) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE

White Tara Puja
The puja is chanted in Tibetan, but the text also has a translation to follow.
Tara, as the mother of all Buddhas, is a female energy deity and is in general involved in protection. Tara has multiple manifestations and in each form she takes a different color and offers a different energy or virtue to help us on our spiritual paths.
White Tara is especially a deity for health, healing, longevity and compassion, and in particular White Tara increases all of ones qualities, and grants protection from untimely death.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Medicine Buddha Puja
Puja is chanted in Tibetan (the text is in written in phonetics with an English translation which one can follow).
The Medicine Buddha, (Sangye Menla), is the Buddha of health and healing, both the outer, physical, and the inner, mental. His form is a deep blue colour, like that of the lapis lazuli semi-precious stone. His practice is considered to be a very powerful method for healing and increasing the restorative powers of oneself and others. Also it helps to overcome the inner sickness of attachment, hatred and ignorance, and so to meditate on the Medicine Buddha can help to decrease physical and mental illness and suffering.
You can attend the puja in person or through ZOOM
The text can be found HERE

Guru Rinpoche Puja
Prayers to Guru Rinpoche are considered to be increasingly potent during these difficult times, and he is often invoked for protection and the removing obstacles. Konchok Chidu sadhana is also a Guru Yoga practice, one of the most profound, the highest and most secret way of accomplishing the mind of Guru Rinpoche. It helps to avert spiritual obstacles and pacifies all negativity on the path to enlightenment.
Once a month we will do Konchok Chidu, “The Embodiment of the Precious Ones”, puja which is a Guru Rinpoche sadhana that encompasses the Three Roots.
You can attend the puja also through ZOOM.
The puja text can be found HERE

Meditation Class
These classes are open and suitable for anyone interested in developing their meditation practice. Classes include instructions on the key principles of meditation, and practices of various calm abiding meditation methods. No booking needed.
Meditation Instructor: Ani Wangmo
Suggested donation (in-person & online):
£3-5 (or any donation you wish to offer) HERE
Attending: In-person & Zoom HERE