“Thoughts are the play of pure awareness.
They arise within it and dissolve back into it.”
- Dilgo Khyentse

Group Retreats 2025

17th - 21st April

Thu 17th - Mon 21st April
(Thu 7pm - Mon 4pm)

Finding Calm Amidst the Chaos

This retreat is focused on calm abiding meditation and also different ways we can support calm and clear mind in our busy, and sometimes even chaotic life situations. During the weekend Lama Rabsang will explore the ways how we can tap into the source of inner calm and become more stable, compassionate and clear in our lives despite challenging situations.

Teacher: Choje Lama Rabsang
Suggested donations:

Single room
£180 (incl. meals & accommodation)/
£160 (incl. meals & accommodation) (Monthly supporter / low income)

Day retreatant
£30 / day (incl. lunch)
£25 / day (incl. lunch) (Monthly supporter / low income)

Winter Retreat

  • The winter retreat runs from 1st December to 31st January. The rooms can be booked from 1 week up to two months. We don’t take shorter than one week bookings.

  • During the retreat, you can do any practice of your own, but you are kindly requested to follow the daily schedule of 4 practice sessions and the set breaks (please see below). We also have some group practice sessions daily which you are welcome to join in.


    6am-7.30am Personal practice 8am-9am Group practice: White Tara Puja
    9am-10am Breakfast/ shower break 10am-12pm Personal practice 12pm-2pm Lunch break
    2pm-4pm Personal practice
    4pm-4.30pm Tea Break
    4.30pm-6pm Personal practice
    6pm onward Dinner break. Resting / relaxing / practice etc
    10pm Silence

    Within each practice session you of course can have your own schedule, shorter sessions etc., but these general session times are to keep other activity and practice times in unison with each other.

  • The rooms are single rooms during the retreat and have a bed, small shrine table with a statue and offering bowls, a storage unit and a meditation box.

    In our retreat rooms there is a basic set up for the stay and practice, but you can bring your own shrine items. There are meditation cushions available at the Centre, but you may want to bring your own as you are more accustomed to it.

    We have rooms on the garden side and on the south facing valleys view. The garden side is often preferred by light sleepers.

  • We offer 3 plant-based meals / day for £10.

    You can also book them individually (breakfast £2 / lunch £5 / dinner £3), if you don't need all three. Gluten free option is available. The main meal of the day will be lunch, and the dinner is a light meal (soup etc.)

    The self-service breakfast includes teas / coffee, fruits, nuts, dried fruit, cereal / porridge, bread, etc. Please let us know if you require gluten free / vegan options for the breakfast.

    There is also a possibility for self-catering during the retreat, as the Centre has a separate kitchen for retreatants self-catering.


    The retreat participants are requested to observe silence during the days until 6pm, and after that it is up to the personal preference if they wish to continue.


    It is fine to go out for walks or exercise during your retreat, but we request that other outside activities will be restricted only to what is necessary, like food shopping or health related appointments. Going out to movies or cafe’s is not deemed necessary and we request that such activities are not done during the retreat to respect the retreat space of everyone.

  • If you are planning to do longer than a one week retreat, please kindly provide a reference from your meditation teacher or similar and send it to: palpungukoffice@gmail.com with their contact details included.

    If you are known to us and have done retreats here already, no reference is needed.

  • Suggested donation: £15 / day

    Deposit: There is a deposit to confirm your retreat room booking. The deposit is half of the amount of your total stay. The deposit you have paid is used as a part of your payment for the stay, so you would pay the other half prior to your arrival.

    Deposit needs to be paid by 31st October to confirm your room booking.

    Cancellations: If you need to cancel due to Covid or other illness, we will issue a full refund. If you cancel for some other reason less than a week (7 days) before your retreat is about to start, and we are not able to get anyone to use the room for the time it was booked, we will keep the deposit.

    Methods of payment: PayPal or bank transfer

  • During the Winter Retreat we are like a little community keeping the Centre going all together alongside the main task – practice. When you arrive, you are asked to kindly choose a small task for the duration of your stay. You can see them when you arrive – the list is on the table with the other info. We will instruct in the details of the tasks.

    This practice is mindfulness in action and karma yoga, while helping also practically, its deeper meaning is accumulation of merit and purification of karma.